you want to go and how will you get there) is highly valued as well. Furthermore, a good motivation for choosing this study programme will also be appreciated. For your audition you will have to prepare [...] prepare 3 songs; preferably three recent ones of your own, but if you choose to do one or more covers, make sure to make them your ‘own’. We’re not looking for copycats! Playing with your own band is preferred [...] command of the Dutch language (only applies to Dutch-speaking students) and the English language Vision on music and your future within the field Being able to work at a basic level with a sequence programme
The ability to recognize simple harmonic progressions by scale degree, notated by Roman numerals. The ability to notate a melody by ear, using the treble clef (melodic dictation). The ability to notate a [...] minor and major tonalities. The ability to recognize and name all possible intervals within an octave, by ear and writing, melodic and harmonic. The ability to recognize and name the following triads melodic [...] by ear and in writing, in root position only: major, minor, diminished and augmented. · the ability to recognize and name the following seventh chords melodic and harmonic, by ear and in writing, in root
would you like to see a recording of a dance performance, gain knowledge on arts therapies or gather information for a circus history assignment, your thesis or master’s research? Then come to Codarts' Library [...] Codarts student or staff member, you have access to the website MyLibrary , which contains all information about and from the Library. Opening hours Monday to Friday 10.00 - 17.00 hours Contact Kruisplein [...] Website: We have been inundated at the media library by people wanting to donate their old sheet music to us. For the time being, therefore, we are no longer accepting sheet music donations
The ability to recognize simple harmonic progressions by scale degree, notated by Roman numerals. The ability to notate a melody by ear, using the treble clef (melodic dictation). The ability to notate a [...] minor and major tonalities. The ability to recognize and name all possible intervals within an octave, by ear and writing, melodic and harmonic. The ability to recognize and name the following triads melodic [...] by ear and in writing, in root position only: major, minor, diminished and augmented. · the ability to recognize and name the following seventh chords melodic and harmonic, by ear and in writing, in root
student-to-be then has the possibility to take a capacity test, to check if there is sufficient general development to be able to follow the study. The fees for this test are charged to the student-to-be. [...] Application. We would advise you to set the link of your videos to ‘hidden’ so that your videos are not visible to the public. Please note that we do not accept CDs, DVDs or MP3s. Please note: the admission [...] part and motivation interview. Step 1 Register Go to When you log in for the first time, you will need: your DigiD (applies only to Dutch citizens and/or residents), personal and
webinars for students You are by law obligated to be properly insured during your time in the Netherlands. Most importantly you are required to have health insurance to cover any medical costs you may incur during [...] during your stay. Codarts strongly advises students to take out a health insurance policy before arrival. Dutch students are obligated to take out the Basic Healthcare Insurance. For international students [...] . The first person to consult in the Netherlands for almost all medical assistance is a general practitioner (GP); in Dutch called ‘huisarts’. Students are advised to choose a GP practicing in their
students to get to know each other and to make them feel at home at Codarts and within the city of Rotterdam. Additionally through LIR the new students gain certain skills and knowledge, needed to manage [...] healthy, creative and innovative dance artists. Our programme is set up to allow our graduates a choice in which direction they wish to follow their professional path in dance. Study programme About Study [...] Study programme Admission Auditions Team Contact More The content of our program aims to educate young talented students to become top level contemporary dance artists. Craftmanship, technique, autonomy, creativity
easy solutions to improve my food intake? I would like to gain weight, but I’m already eating a lot, what can I do? I would like to lose a bit of weight/get my fat percentage down but I want to keep the energy [...] sports dietitian, Sandra Buijing. Get to know Sandra a little bit better through this short interview! What is your role as a dietitian at Codarts? “Most of my time goes to helping students individually with [...] ns can students contact you? “All questions about nutrition are welcome. A lot of students come to me to check if they eat everything they need for the intensive programme at Codarts. Other questions/problems
world that offers you the opportunity to study Latin wind instruments as a main subject. Students looking to acquire first-class musical skills come to Codarts to learn from our highly qualified teachers [...] business. Learn how the music industry works, what is expected of you as a musician, how to promote yourself and how to find your niche in the local or international artist scene. As part of the curriculum [...] Codarts offers students numerous opportunities to present and perform Latin music at events that certainly give a taste of the original context. We are proud to see our alumni find their place in the music
l professional field comes to Codarts to scout talent. Aside from that, Codarts is in close contact with numerous local, national and international organisations in order to make those talents be seen [...] talented and driven dancers, musicians and circus performers to become dedicated and inspiring artists, leaders and facilitators, ready to spread their wings in a dynamic, international context. Mission [...] future. From the very start they learn to both take and share responsibility. This means that everything is focused on developing their personal artistic identity to the greatest effect. Diversity Codarts