subjects Composition Compostion The Department of Composition at Codarts is an interfaculty in which the disciplines of Classical Composition, Jazz Composition/Arranging and Electronic Composition work closely [...] choice of 4 directions: Acoustic composition bachelor / master Electronic composition bachelor / master Jazz composition / arranging bachelor / master Film music composition master Teachers Hans Koolmees [...] main subject teacher in Classical composition Robin de Raaff, main subject teacher in Classical composition Friso van Wijck, main subject teacher in Classical composition René Uijlenhoet, main subject teacher
Classical Music > Admission Admission requirements composition Admission requirements Composition Generally Sufficient affinity with the field of composition and its repertoire Sufficient possibilities for [...] letter (A4); these works must demonstrate sufficient talent in composition. Submission of composition portfolio: Please submit your composition portfolio via email to by providing a Google [...] for developments Show sufficient drive to study and enthusiasm for music and composition Composition Candidates are required to submit most representative works, a maximum of three that show the stylistic
Music > Admission Admission requirements composition Admission requirements classical composition Master Generally Sufficient affinity with the field of composition and its repertoire Sufficient possibilities [...] letter (A4); these works must demonstrate sufficient talent in composition. Submission of composition portfolio: Please submit your composition portfolio via email to by providing a Google [...] possibilities for developments Show sufficient drive to study and enthusiasm for music and composition Composition Candidates are required to submit most representative works, a maximum of three that show the
requirements Composition Admission Composition In order to be able to assess your technical compositional skills and your artistic approach towards composition and/or arranging, the Jazz Composition Assessment [...] BMus Jazz Composition *Be sure to put your name on all full scores, the motivation letter, and on CV. Live Audition During the live audition we will discuss the scores, arrangements and compositions you’ve [...] lead-sheets) in .PDF-format (Sibelius or Finale files are not accepted) of minimum 2, maximum 3 COMPOSITIONS for different line-ups/ensembles, together with their related sound files (either live recorded
Main subjects Composition Jazz composition Codarts Jazz composition bridges the gap between Jazz and the Codarts Composition Interfaculty (CCI). Jazz composition The Codarts Jazz Composition programme bridges [...] scoring. As a Jazz Composition student, you will primarily focus on jazz, with electronic composition as a secondary subject. Electives from both the Jazz department and the Composition Interfaculty encourage [...] development and new musical expressions. Why study Jazz Composition at Codarts? Codarts offers Europe’s only comprehensive bachelor’s degree in jazz composition. The core study areas include contemporary music
A movement of a sonata and a movement of a concerto One composition in virtuosic style (a shorter character piece) One contemporary composition, preferably with extended playing style. Master's curriculum [...] minors/secondary subjects/internships/concerts Final exam Master Only full compositions, means all movements of a composition. Exeption: a Bach suite could be performed as a smaller set of movements with [...] within the duration of one hour. We welcome classical repertoire, cross over and contemporary compositions. Chamber music can be part of the exam repertoire, also for Bachelor exams, up to 25-35% of the
requirements jazz composition Admission requirements Jazz composition Master In order to be able to assess your technical compositional skills and your artistic approach towards composition and/or arranging [...] | Subject: Application MMus Jazz Composition Be sure to put your name on all full scores, the motivation letter, and on CV. MASTER APPLICANT Composition Name: Phone: Email: Department: Main Subject: [...] arranging, the Jazz Composition Assessment Committee requests you to hand in: The complete and detailed full scores (no lead-sheets) in .PDF-format (Sibelius or Finale files are not accepted) of minimum 2, maximum
with festivals, such as O., the international festival for opera, music and theatre, and the Composition department organises an annual festival. Codarts Symphony Orchestra The Codarts Symphony Orchestra [...] Ballet Suite (1945) in the Main Hall of de Doelen. Composers Festival The Composers Festival is the composition department's annual graduation festival. The programme ranges from classical music to jazz.
& RASL) Marike Petten (production) Claire Hell (production) Composition S'yo Fang (Jazz composition) René Uijlenhoet (Electronic composition) Trumpet Jarmo Hoogendijk Wim Both Jan van Duikeren (guest teacher)
Expect ten new compositions by today's talented jazz composers. The programme is very diverse, with pieces ranging from jazz to very classical.