Insurances and health care

You are by law obligated to be properly insured during your time in the Netherlands. Most importantly you are required to have health insurance to cover any medical costs you may incur during your stay. Codarts strongly advises students to take out a health insurance policy before arrival. Dutch students are obligated to take out the Basic Healthcare Insurance. For international students Codarts recommends a good and complete insurance through AON (international student insurance). For more information on health insurance in the Netherlands, please visit and have a look at the insurance checklist. The ‘zorgverzekeringslijn‘ provides information about our health care system in several languages. For questions you can contact the student counselor via

The first person to consult in the Netherlands for almost all medical assistance is a general practitioner (GP); in Dutch called ‘huisarts’. Students are advised to choose a GP practicing in their neighbourhood and to inquire whether he or she will take them as a patient, even before they need to see one. Our Student Life department is in contact with several GP’s, if you need any help you can contact them via

For more information about  the Dutch Healthcare system, finding a GP and insurance please read the factsheets below.

For accidents and sudden illnesses requiring immediate attention, students can go to or call the Emergency Service (EHBO) of one of the local hospitals. Please note: there is a special General Emergency telephone number for accidents, ambulance, fire brigade and police: 112. After calling this number, students will immediately be connected with the department for emergency services in their city.

Read the factsheets below for more information about the Dutch Healthcare system.