Admission requirements Jazz screen scoring
In order to be able to assess your technical compositional skills and your artistic approach towards composition for the screen, the Composition Assessment Committee requests you to hand in:
- Minimum 2, maximum 3 films , film sequences or film scenes, scored for different line-ups/ensembles, together with their related sound files (either live recorded or Midi versions) , as Vimeo or YouTube links (no downloads accepted). Please add the related scores(.PDF-files) , if possible.
- The complete and detailed full scores (no lead-sheets) in .pdf format (Sibelius or Finale files are not accepted) of minimum 2, maximum 3 of your own (not visual related) compositions for different line-ups/ensembles, together with their related sound files (either live recorded or Midi versions) in .MP3 format.
- A study plan including your research topic. (See below).
- A motivation letter in .PDF format of Max 2 A4 pages explaining why you want to study at Codarts Jazz Composition department.
- A short biography (max 1 A4 page) and CV.
Please send the five assignments in one file via WETRANSFER (material sent via other systems will be refused) to: | Subject: Application MMus Screen Scoring
Or any other visual format.
Be sure to put your name on all full scores, the motivation letter, and on CV.
Main Subject:
Main Subject teacher (if known):
Previous education:
- STUDY PLAN [min 500-max 1000 words]
The Codarts Master programme is structured in such a way that it facilitates you to design an individual study route. The four core elements of this programme are:
- main subject (30EC per year),
- artistic research (1OEC per year) see next page fora separate research proposal
- ensemble playing (1OEC per year),
- free space (1OEC per year) with numerous possibilities for a tailor-made programme, including electives, minors and your own work in the professional field.
Please write a concise paragraph answering each question below so we can become familiar with your motivation, plans and goal for your Master of Music study.
- Personalmotivationandgoal:
*What is your motivation to continue your education with a Master study?
*Explain how this connects to your previous education.
*What would you like to have achieved or learned by the end of your Master study? How do you see you future artistic profession?
- Main subject:
*Explain what you would like to learn in your main subject. Do you want to specialize, broaden your ski/Is, crossover?
*Explain how you think you are going to achieve this goal in your main subject classes.
*In case you are opting for an Erasmus exchange during your studies, please describe your plan in some detail (name conservatoire, motivation, teacher, period).
- CompositionProjects:
*What kind of projects would you like to participate in?
*Explain how this wil/ contribute to reaching your goal
- Free space:
*What kind of specific education would you like to have (minors, electives) and how wil/ that contribute to your goal?
*What other kind of professional activities do you wish to carry out during your Master study?
- RESEARCHPROPOSAL [min 500-max 1000 words]
Artistic Research is an integral part of your Master study. You are invited to research a topic that helps you develop your skills and expertise as a performer and/or creator. Students are divided into DOMAINS depending on their research topics. The domains include: Performance Practice, Jazz lmprovisation, Composition & Arranging, World Music/Crossover, and Pop and are each led by different research coaches with experience in these areas. Our learning structure is divided into cycles called lnterventions. These lntervention Cycles help you to structure and track your progress through your research. The attached Handbook Master of Music and Handbook Artistic Research have more information. Please answer the questions below so we can become familiar with your research interests, and welcome you in the appropriate research domain from the start.
- Artistic Research Topic:
*Explain how you think you are going to achieve your goal.
- Personal motivation and goal for my research:
*Tell us why this topic is important for you.
*And how it is connected to the artistic field?
*What would you like to achieve or to have learned by the end of your Masters by doing research?
- Keywords for my research:
Give 5 words you could use to do a Google search for information on your topic.
- Network: Name three people whom you would consider an expert on your topic and explain their relevance for your research.
- Media:
*List three texts (inc/uding books and ;ournals) that could inform you about your topic.
*List 3 audio or video recordings that could inform you about your topic. You may inc/ude links, but please labelthem.
Thank you for completing this study plan. The Master of Music team looks forward to working with you!