> Home > Education > Masters > Master Choreography Study programme Study programme The Master Choreography COMMA is designed so that at the end of the 2 year study graduated students will have gained new [...] an investment in themselves and their careers. Below you can read more about the curriculum of the Master Choreography. Intensives – Cohort 4: Intensive E - Fontys; 27 January – 8 February, 2025 Intensive
Throughout your study, we will also introduce you to national and international renowned artists during master classes. Wanderlust Festival The Wanderlust festival is our world music department's event. Various [...] Indian and Classical Turkish music of the highest level. Masterclass Pablo Estigarribia Inspiring master classes by (inter)national artists take place regularly for students of the various disciplines.
> Home > Education > Masters > Master of Music > Admission Admission requirements composition Admission requirements classical composition Master Generally Sufficient affinity with the field of composition
Trinitatiskapel, a beautiful small church in Dordrecht. This concert is free to all. Master As a master's student, the master's programme includes research. You will do research on a subject that has your special [...] attend a group session with the entire viola class every two weeks. There are also at least three master classes each year. Recent guests have included Lawrence Power, Garth Knox, Marcin Murawski and Vinciane [...] special interest. Such research will help you find your own path in music. In this master research you will be guided by a research coach and your own main subject teacher. There is also the possibility
> Home > Education > Masters > Master of Music > Admission Admission requirements pop songwriting Admission requirements pop songwriting Master During the audition for the main subject Songwriting, apart
> Home > Education > Masters > Master of Music > Admission Admission requirements pop creative producer Admission requirements pop creative producer Master During the audition for the main subject Creative
mbuiten@codarts.nl Simone Kleinlooh Programme leader Master Dance Movement Therapy and PhD candidate skleinlooh@codarts.nl Carola van 't Hof Programme leader Master Music Therapy cvanthof@codarts.nl Regina Magnus
directions: Acoustic composition bachelor / master Electronic composition bachelor / master Jazz composition / arranging bachelor / master Film music composition master Teachers Hans Koolmees, main subject teacher [...] Thus the teaching team offers a broad musical and stylistic spectrum. Within both the bachelor's and master's programmes, you have the opportunity to take lessons from various composition teachers (Classical
(accreditatie 2022) B Dans (accreditatie 2019) B Docent Dans (accreditatie 2019) Master Arts Therapies (accreditatie 2019) Master of Music (accreditatie 2019) B Circus Arts (accreditatie 2018)
> Home > Education > Masters > Master of Music > Admission Admission requirement Pop keys Admission requirements Pop keys Please prepare the following. We will make a selection during your entrance exam: