with the login and link to Osiris Application; need to make the registration complete via Osiris Application; need to upload a passport picture in Osiris Application; need to upload a cv and motivation [...] Application; need to provide a (YouTube)link of a video for the preselection in Osiris Application, in order to have a chance of being invited to the group – and individual music audition; need to have a bachelor’s [...] why you want to study music therapy, and how you see music has influenced your own (mental) health, as well as the health of others. The letter should explain: how you have come to wish to become a music
student-to-be then has the possibility to take a capacity test, to check if there is sufficient general development to be able to follow the study. The fees for this test are charged to the student-to-be. [...] students and the faculty to connect in a more informal environment. For those who may not yet feel ready to audition for Codarts, the workshop alone provides a valuable opportunity to experience the school [...] admitted will be added to a waiting list. Communication about this will happen by e-mail. If candidates do not respond in time, Codarts reserves the right to offer the place to another candidate on the
Need to make the registration complete via Osiris Application Need to upload a passport picture in Osiris Application Need to upload a cv and motivation in English in Osiris Application Need to provide [...] procedure In order to apply for the dance movement therapy audition candidates: Need to register at Studielink Will receive an email after registration via Studielink with the login and link to Osiris Application [...] of a video for the preselection in Osiris Application, in order to have a chance of being invited to the group dance audition Need to have a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent, more information below).
the Netherlands. Music Theatre students get to know the various styles within each discipline, and learn to explore and perform them. In this, it is important to make their own choices and add personal e [...] expressiveness. It ensures that our alumni know how to present themselves to the professional field in their own unique way. At Codarts there is the possibility to collaborate with other study programmes. All [...] available in Dutch. At the heart of Codarts Music Theatre is the convergence of theatre, dance and music. To develop both the skills, artistic talent and uniqueness of each student, Codarts Music Theatre has
experience. Jazz trumpet We train you not only to become a skilled jazz trumpeter, but also give the skills to become an autonomous musician with the tools to continuously develop yourself. Broaden your musical [...] Wim will teach you to interpret various trumpet parts 'prima vista' and help you to become a good section wind player who can play in any orchestra. Last but not least, in addition to his work as a soloist [...] development of your versatility as a musician. You will learn how to quickly to perform in a variety of musical settings. The ability to step on stage at a moment's notice and deliver an effortless performance
training, learning to manage this anxiety is crucial, but it is difficult to practice in front of an audience without the stakes becoming too high. When musicians are given a chance to perform, the environment [...] environment is often not conducive to experimenting with anxiety-reducing techniques, leading to a cycle where they cannot fully develop the skills to manage their stress during performances. At Codarts, we [...] shown to be an effective tool for easing performance anxiety. These digital settings offer musicians the opportunity to practice their skills in a realistic yet risk-free environment, enabling them to experiment
student-to-be then has the possibility to take a capacity test, to check if there is sufficient general development to be able to follow the study. The fees for this test are charged to the student-to-be. [...] the possibility to join the workshop the day before (not obligatory but recommended). The workshop takes place on Saturday March 8, 2025. Codarts welcomes all those who wish to audition to apply for either: [...] students and the faculty to connect in a more informal environment. For those who may not yet feel ready to audition for Codarts, the workshop alone provides a valuable opportunity to experience the school
student-to-be then has the possibility to take a capacity test, to check if there is sufficient general development to be able to follow the study. The fees for this test are charged to the student-to-be. [...] students and the faculty to connect in a more informal environment. For those who may not yet feel ready to audition for Codarts, the workshop alone provides a valuable opportunity to experience the school [...] admitted will be added to a waiting list. Communication about this will happen by e-mail. If candidates do not respond in time, Codarts reserves the right to offer the place to another candidate on the
like to participate in? *Explain how this wil/ contribute to reaching your goal Free space: *What kind of specific education would you like to have (minors, electives) and how wil/ that contribute to your [...] Master In order to be able to assess your technical compositional skills and your artistic approach towards composition and/or arranging, the Jazz Composition Assessment Committee requests you to hand in: The [...] motivation and goal: *What is your motivation to continue your education with a Master study? *Explain how this connects to your previous education. *What would you like to have achieved or learned by the end of
music world. Jazz piano We train you not only to become a skilled jazz pianist, but also give the skills to become an autonomous musician with the tools to continuously develop yourself. Broaden your musical [...] jazz tradition and challenge you to experiment with contemporary jazz music. You also have the opportunity to perform at the annual Brand New Jazz Festival. Our goal is to help you become a self-sufficient [...] finished learning. After four years at Codarts you will be able to continue to develop and perfect your skills without constant guidance. We want you to become your own 'teacher', capable of learning new music