harmonic) scales over 2 octaves. The applicant is able to convincingly explain the focus of his/her research topic/project and the connection and relevance to both the keys, the craft and the pop practice.
Organisation Quality Agreements Quality agreements The introduction of the social loan system creates funds to invest in the quality of higher education. These funds will be divided among universities of applied [...] its education. By doing so we are ensuring an ambitious quality impulse that is clearly noticeable to students. In terms of content we choose projects that fit within the frameworks of the institution
n is appreciated, it is recommended to also attract more Dutch and Rotterdam diversity in cooperation with relevant partners. This defintive report is submitted to the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organisation [...] meets all accreditation standards and criteria, including the special characteristic, and according to the panel, Codarts offers something unique with this programme, with a broad impact on both the students
Knowledge of their basic seyir (melodic progression/itinerary). Able to sing and/or play the basic makams, ascending and descending. Attention to intonation should be given. The candidate should have general
level. Whether you are a dancer, acrobat, musician, dance or music teacher, a healthy diet is important to perform at your best and for your mental and physical health. Nutrition and recipes Studying at an [...] wrap Read more Guacamole Read more Tofubowl Read more Start the year full of energy! Read more Ready to perform drinks Read more Balletbar(re) Read more Healthy wintersalad Read more Chilli con / sin carne
s by today's talented jazz composers. The programme is very diverse, with pieces ranging from jazz to very classical.
fats) have a positive effect on your blood cholesterol level. Eating enough unsaturated fats also helps to have a fabulous skin. You can eat a hand of nuts every day, but did you know avocado is a good source [...] source of healthy fats too? Avocado is a fruit originally from South America. It’s healthy, easy to eat and delicious! Avocado is not only high in healthy fats, but also in fibre, potassium, magnesium, vitamin [...] a garlic press. Mash the avocado and add garlic, lime juice, salt and pepper. Add other ingredients to your liking. Eat with: Wholegrain bread or crackers Tortilla’s with vegetables and beans Chili sin/con
practice and bring their knowledge to the classroom. They will inspire and stimulate you to fully deploy and use your talents. You’ll find yourself transferring their influences to your projects and performances
practice and bring their knowledge to the classroom. They will inspire and stimulate you to fully deploy and use your talents. You’ll find yourself transferring their influences to your projects and performances
storyline of a soundscape created by Kudsi Erguner, inviting musicians, dancers and circus artists to improvise on this artistic lament.