the rent is not including energy costs and local taxes you will have to take care of this yourself. It is preferable to find a place to live where you pay a rent ‘including’ additional costs but not always [...] tax (afvalstoffenheffing) is meant to cover the costs of collection and processing of domestic waste. This has to be paid by every household. Sometimes the owner has to pay, that depends on your rental contract [...] apartment (usually not a room with shared facilities and inclusive rent) should expect two tax bills, to be sent to the main resident on a yearly basis: one for municipal tax (gemeentelijke belasting) and another
and bass clefs. Aural Skills Candidates must demonstrate the ability to: Adapt in real-time during the practical exam, responding to: Unexpected harmonies or melodic changes. Shifts in time signature or [...] Theory and Aural Skills Entrance Requirements: Music Theory and Aural Skills All candidates applying to our department must complete a Theory Entrance Exam as part of the admissions process. This exam assesses [...] knowledge and aural skills necessary for success in our programme. Music Theory Candidates should be able to: Recognise and construct intervals. Identify and build triads in root position and inversions. Understand
you can get to know the graduates of 2022 and watch the trailer of the show. In case you’re interested to watch their full act, you can contact the artists directly by sending an email to their contact [...] methodologies. Simon studied philosophy at Stockholm University and likes to take a rather cognitive approach to his creations. He aims to make personal and genuine pieces that trigger emotional recognition [...] feelings that are close to his heart. Act: Procura There are times in life when it gets harder to cope with sad and blue feelings. In times of struggle it is sometimes easier to smile and say that everything
the organisation needs. "I am looking forward to new collaborations and, as a member of the Executive Board, I would like to make a positive contribution to education and operations," said Mieke de Vos [...] the Participation Council. All the members have given positive approval to Mieke's appointment. The Supervisory Board is delighted to appoint Mieke de Vos. With her extensive experience in (international) [...] Allen & Overy Amsterdam. Mieke is known as communicative, energetic, decisive and accessible. Prior to the Supervisory Board's appointment of Mieke de Vos, several interviews were conducted with college
You also play in ensembles with fellow students to experience a variety of jazz styles, ranging from bebop to jazz rock. These sessions are an opportunity to practice what you have learned and work on musical [...] the skills to continuously improve yourself. In the third year we encourage you to create your own musical project. This will strengthen your mastery of the jazz tradition and challenges you to experiment [...] also learning about the human side of the industry, where even the most acclaimed artists have to learn how to manage their own insecurities and challenges. This enriching and stimulating learning experience
most recent writing, ' How to jump' . At the Codarts Research Festival, we aim to encourage artists to see the value that research can have for them, as well as actively listen to the curiosity and motivations [...] students Classical Music, Jazz, Pop, Circus, Dance, and Arts Therapies were selected to present their research projects to the audience, receiving a prize of 250 euro. On top of that, there were presentations [...] Performing Arts). Topics like the relevance of social impact through the arts, the necessity of researching to find a voice as an artist, and the difficulties that can be faced through the journey were discussed
a disability Codarts is committed to promoting equal opportunities for all students, including students with a disability. Studying with a disability Codarts strives to ensure that all students can successfully [...] illness, AD(H)D, autism, dyslexia and dyscalculia. A disability can affect your ability to study but does not have to prevent you from obtaining your diploma. Do you study with a disability? Go see the student [...] taking into account your abilities and disabilities in relation to the curriculum of the studies you have chosen. Are you not able to get your diploma within four years? The student counsellor can also
one. I advice every student to start the programme with an open mind. See it as a toolkit, to make use of long-term. It consists of elements to help you as an artist. Use it to your advantage! My favorite [...] performance pressure or physical injuries. This programme learns you how to deal with issues like these. Who would not want to learn more about that? During Codarts’ kick-off week, I heard about the existence [...] team of professionals is available to help all students who study at Codarts. I thought: ‘Wow, this is so cool!’ They’ve helped me recovering from Corona. If it was up to me, the OPP could take two semesters
initiative Student Life has enabled Codarts to move from a curative (putting on band-aids) to a preventive approach (preventing health problems) and ultimately to education aimed at performance improvement [...] quit their studies due to health problems. Students are very satisfied with the initiative. They praise the innovative working methods, in which active learning is key. You learn to take control of your [...] your personal health and learn to identify health problems yourself in an early stage. Thanks to the initiative, teachers scientifically support their teaching programme. Based on the data, they can strengthen
education experience to students who want to establish a career in pop music. Drums The main subject Pop Drums offers a dynamic and diverse learning experience for aspiring drummers who want to develop their [...] studio skills. Guitar The main subject Pop Guitar offers aspiring guitarists an unparalleled opportunity to develop their skills. Songwriting Learn the art of Songwriting in an inspiring learning environment [...] Keyboard The Pop Keyboard main subject offers an inspiring learning environment that encourages students to broaden their musical horizons Creative Production Delve into the dynamic world of music production