ambitions of the RASL team to extend her portfolio to a joint bachelor and master program’. The Dutch Higher Education Premium This new Dutch Higher Education Premium was established to endorse the high quality [...] brought RASL to where it is now: developing new transdisciplinary Bachelor and Master programmes, made all the more possible by this Higher Education Premium. I am convinced that we will continue to find new [...] joint, cross-disciplinary education and research.RASL’s aim is to arrive at an equal crosspollination between arts and science in order to address and redefine societal issues. The RASL minor ‘Re-imagining
Current research projects are delayed and it appears to be more difficult to start up new research projects, because collaboration partners give priority to other, corona-related activities. Codarts will spend [...] The resources are used to continue Codarts’ strong position in the field of practice-oriented research within the performing arts in these turbulent times. This is a challenge, because the pandemic is
the organisation needs. "I am looking forward to new collaborations and, as a member of the Executive Board, I would like to make a positive contribution to education and operations," said Mieke de Vos [...] the Participation Council. All the members have given positive approval to Mieke's appointment. The Supervisory Board is delighted to appoint Mieke de Vos. With her extensive experience in (international) [...] Allen & Overy Amsterdam. Mieke is known as communicative, energetic, decisive and accessible. Prior to the Supervisory Board's appointment of Mieke de Vos, several interviews were conducted with college
one. I advice every student to start the programme with an open mind. See it as a toolkit, to make use of long-term. It consists of elements to help you as an artist. Use it to your advantage! My favorite [...] performance pressure or physical injuries. This programme learns you how to deal with issues like these. Who would not want to learn more about that? During Codarts’ kick-off week, I heard about the existence [...] team of professionals is available to help all students who study at Codarts. I thought: ‘Wow, this is so cool!’ They’ve helped me recovering from Corona. If it was up to me, the OPP could take two semesters
most recent writing, ' How to jump' . At the Codarts Research Festival, we aim to encourage artists to see the value that research can have for them, as well as actively listen to the curiosity and motivations [...] students Classical Music, Jazz, Pop, Circus, Dance, and Arts Therapies were selected to present their research projects to the audience, receiving a prize of 250 euro. On top of that, there were presentations [...] Performing Arts). Topics like the relevance of social impact through the arts, the necessity of researching to find a voice as an artist, and the difficulties that can be faced through the journey were discussed
illustrated the transition from artist to music therapist with her work 'In Time'. Her performance highlighted the therapeutic value of music and improvisation to express emotions and create connection [...] Hand2Globe, then returned to entertain the audience with an energetic circus act that focused on their friendship and the challenges that come with it. They brought humour and dynamism to their show, which was [...] Löffler provided a striking preview of their later performance. Gavin-Viano encouraged the audience to connect and step outside their comfort zone, setting the tone for the evening. The first performance
Stephanie is very passionate and devoted to improve the physical and mental health of our students. Over the past ten years she has changed the health policy from reactive to pro-active. By creating the Team Around [...] Around The Artist approach and health programmes for all departments, she tries to educate our students to maximise their potential and prepare them for a healthy and sustainable career. The winner of
and acrobatics. This collaboration aims to introduce young talents to the world of performing arts in an inspiring way. Through this introduction, we want to prepare and excite them for possible next [...] Secondary school Codarts Lyceum and primary school Nieuwe Park Rozenburgschool (NPRS) are joining forces to offer grade 7 and 8 pupils a unique opportunity: music and dance lessons taught by expert teachers [...] cooperation between Codarts Lyceum and the NPRS is a first for Rotterdam. It enables primary school pupils to take music and dance lessons from higher education teachers and makes use of the DAMU scheme for primary
needs of students, the professional field and society are evolving rapidly. To achieve financial health and adapt more quickly to these changes, a flexible and future-oriented approach is required. Codarts [...] David Lauwen, President of the Executive Board, explains: “To strengthen our education and create space for innovation, educational expertise and collaboration, it’s essential that we organise Codarts [...] dialogue with labour unions, and has informed its staff. The final reorganisation plan is expected to be announced in early February, once the formal process has been completed. Codarts is fully aware
for the future and the jury has high expectations of things to come. Main sponsor Nedspice provided €3.000 for the winner, which is meant to give young jazz talent a push in the direction of the international [...] the 25 th time by Codarts Rotterdam, the Friends of Codarts Foundation and Nedspice. The award proved to be a great stepping stone for a number of successful jazz musicians, including Jan van Duikeren, Bart [...] music: a combination of groovy jazz and traditional Ghanaian music. The Ghanaian trumpet player managed to win over the professional jury (Susanne Abbuehl, Benjamin Herman and Yanick Hiwat) by showing the joy