performance that convincingly told a story. Main sponsor Nedspice has made a sum of €3,000 available for the winner, which is intended to give young jazz talent a push in the direction of the professional [...] professional circuit of the international jazz scene. In the past, the prize proved to be a great stepping stone for a number of successful jazz musicians, including Jan van Duikeren, Bart Wirtz, Louk Boudesteijn
there is a great need for such a large umbrella educational institution”, says Jeroen Chabot, Dean of the Willem de Kooning Academy. In addition, the new educational institution will provide a better transfer [...] Kunsten’ and the Erasmus University Rotterdam signed a declaration of intent to achieve their ambition on 20 January 2022. The arts institution will be a new entity linked to both Rotterdam University of [...] be able to distinguish itself as a leader in the field of art education, with an extensive range of professional art programmes. This new educational institution is also a powerful boost for the Culture
of the world. This pioneering effort set a new standard, and over the years, Codarts has distinguished itself internationally through this department. Reclaiming a pioneering role However, an extensive survey [...] development of a new generation of musicians who can bring together diverse musical traditions, Codarts enriches the global music industry. Codarts prepares forward-thinking musical talents for a continually [...] the television programme Podium Klassiek. She shared her admiration for Codarts as a unique place in the music world: "A place that changed my life. Nowhere else in the world is world music taken as seriously
contact with the audience and performed a wide range of sounds. " Main sponsor Nedspice provided €3.000 for the winner, which is meant to give young jazz talent a push in the direction of the international [...] international professional circuit. The prize has proven to be a great stepping stone for a number of successful jazz musicians in the past, including Jan van Duikeren, Bart Wirtz, Louk Boudesteijn, Rik Kraak and
and long-term help. There is also a need for resources for which various collection campaigns have been set up. Codarts supports the initiatives by: Support actions A benefit evening organised by students [...] Giro 555 collection box. There is a QR code on posters in our buildings that allows you to donate easily. Are you a student or staff member and have
spend the research funding on RASL activities, the establishment of a new research lab at Het Nederlands Danstheater and the preparation of a new research application. [...] the field of practice-oriented research within the performing arts in these turbulent times. This is a challenge, because the pandemic is putting practice-oriented research under pressure. Current research
Gavin-Viano. While he described Codarts as a "dope, highly urgent place", a large white ball featuring circus students Malte Gerhardt and Benedikt Löffler provided a striking preview of their later performance [...] mentioned above in mind, she invited the audience to imagine what it would have been like if they had had a passion for circus, dance or music at another time. And what the world looked like back then. She also [...] of art and expression to life. The dancers returned in the performance THEY, by Silke Kloostermann, a Bachelor of Dance in Education programme graduate. Her performance combined dance and spoken word and
offer grade 7 and 8 pupils a unique opportunity: music and dance lessons taught by expert teachers from Codarts. We are working towards a programme where pupils receive ten hours a week of lessons in various [...] eventually an audition at an arts college. This cooperation between Codarts Lyceum and the NPRS is a first for Rotterdam. It enables primary school pupils to take music and dance lessons from higher education [...] Sander Tetteroo, director of Codarts Lyceum, emphasises the importance of this collaboration: "There is a wealth of music and dance talent in the Netherlands, but there are few places where this talent can
nominees behind and convince the jury. Melody received a cheque of 5000 Euros and will be given the opportunity to further develop her act into a full performance. In addition, she gets to show her act [...] Pringuet, who also got his Bachelor’s Degree in Circus Arts a few months ago, was one of the other nominees. The final winner was chosen by a professional jury that this year consisted of Hanneke Meijers [...] rd member Festival Circolo – board member Circuspunt). From the jury report: “Melody has developed a wonderful movement language of her own that is highly original within her discipline. The exploration
A total of 7 students Classical Music, Jazz, Pop, Circus, Dance, and Arts Therapies were selected to present their research projects to the audience, receiving a prize of 250 euro. On top of that, there [...] dialogue also provokes critical thinking, which is the reason why Q&A sessions were added after each presentation. There was also a round-table discussion with the following panel: Federico Mosquera (Master [...] finished results. Stephen Shropshire was our external guest from the field of choreography, giving a lecture on his most recent writing, ' How to jump' . At the Codarts Research Festival, we aim to encourage