basis for lecturers to be able to pay explicit attention on the basis of trust to the way in which they communicate with students. Clear frameworks must be established with regard to the way in which people [...] all the more necessary to pay attention to social safety. This attention should take shape in various areas. For example, didactics and forms of teaching and assessment need to be handled very consciously [...] essential to continue to identify, actively and regularly, any risks in the area of social safety and the social safety experienced by students and lecturers. Art education has united as a sector to name the
opportunities to realise our shared vision.” Sarah Wilton-Wels, President of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, added: “Our commitment to exploring collaborations that contribute to higher arts education [...] the best route to achieving ambitions for robust arts education and pioneering research. The focus remains on strengthening and deepening existing collaborations, allowing each institution to contribute optimally [...] that our students and the city deserve—continues to be our guiding compass in shaping our educational and research collaborations. For now, we want to provide clarity and stability, so everyone knows where
from home.” Nevertheless, she decided to give it a try. She submitted videos of three songs and was allowed to audition. It went so well that she was admitted to the school. Musical roots “I’ve been involved [...] personally. Last year the entire band went to Teja’s native country, and the plan is to repeat that this year. Of course, in Slovenia the musicians also try to arrange a couple of gigs. On the right track [...] enormously,” she says. “I got to know other kinds of music, played many musicians. I discovered new options.” In her third year at Codarts she formed a band for a project to play her own material. She had
Rotterdam and complementary to each other, as well as the collaboration between university of applied sciences and university, enables us to offer teaching materials that are well suited to the needs of students: [...] at a new cultural campus in Rotterdam-Zuid, the new ‘Hogeschool voor de Kunsten’ aims to offer study programmes to new generations of students in the arts and sciences. Administrators of Rotterdam University [...] University Rotterdam signed a declaration of intent to achieve their ambition on 20 January 2022. The arts institution will be a new entity linked to both Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and the
dedicated to the promotion and discovery of new European and Dutch music, a number of Codarts students and alumni were given the stage to show that they are the next best thing when it comes to promising [...] treated to performances by Imme, Alexine and Unfinished. Promising artists who are currently studying at the Codarts Pop Department and for whom this was a great opportunity to show what they have to offer
past, the department chose to leave out the M of Movement in DMT to emphasize dance rather than movement. One of the reasons for this was that the programme is affiliated to Codarts' Performing Arts cluster [...] is partly due to the dance therapy conference in April 2021, publications and a strong European and international network. In doing so, the department wants to highlight that, in addition to dance therapy [...] Therapy has always been the internationally accepted definition. The fact that the name is changing to Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) is important for the department because more and more research publications
For years, the secondary school has worked closely with Codarts Rotterdam to ensure that young talent is given the opportunity to develop in the field of music and dance. With the name Codarts Lyceum, the [...] done to replace the old name. Changing the name involves many practical adjustments. Among others, the e-mail addresses, teaching materials, social media channels, website and diploma paper have to be changed [...] name, nothing will change. Codarts Lyceum will continue to offer the artistic and regular courses in the quality that parents and students are used to. Codarts Lyceum will remain the same safe secondary school
passion for music and moved from Turkey to the Netherlands to study jazz vocals at the Conservatory of Amsterdam. This was a significant step for him because prior to his musical career, he worked in various [...] Jazz: "I am looking forward to contributing to the development of the new generation of jazz musicians and interdisciplinary collaboration at Codarts. It is a great privilege to work with a team of excellent [...] venues such as Paradiso and the North Sea Jazz Club. His entrepreneurial and resourceful personality led to the success of his own music school in Amsterdam West, which grew into a thriving musical community
impressive act, Melody Nolan managed to leave the other nominees behind and convince the jury. Melody received a cheque of 5000 Euros and will be given the opportunity to further develop her act into a full [...] performance. In addition, she gets to show her act during the first Circusstad festival gala in May 2022 in het Nieuwe Luxor theater in Rotterdam. Since 2012, the award goes to the most talented graduating act [...] meaningful. In addition, the chosen soundbed contributes to the intensity of the performance. Where the discipline can sometimes be static, Melody knows how to make this dynamic in her act through her use of space
In addition to studying, she works on a Covid-19 ward. ‘I love dancing and I’m very glad to have started at Codarts.’ Why did you choose Codarts' Dance in education? ‘I have always wanted to do something [...] metres. It is a huge adjustment to then be able to make large strides doing modern dance at school!’ In addition to studying, you also work on the Covid-19 ward in Nieuwegein. What exactly is it you do there [...] people my age are thinking that it won’t happen to them. This worries me. The best approach is to regard everyone as potentially contaminated. Then you are sure to keep your distance.’ What are your dreams for