week on a project in which they tell the stories of elderly people with dementia through dance and music. The community project took place in the context of ‘Dance On, Pass On, Dream On’ (DoPoDo) and is
> Home > Education > Bachelors > Music in Education > Toelatingseisen Toelating drums/percussie Toelating drums/percussie Docent Muziek Techniek • Je bent in staat grooves te spelen in verschillende stijlen
> Home > Education > Courses Contract lessons Contract lessons Contract music lessons Contract lessons at Codarts offer a very limited number of applicants the opportunity to take lessons outside the regular
human movement scientist with a background in music. This combination fits well with my activities for Student Life and my PhD study ‘health problems in music students’.” [...] broaden their skills." Hanneke van der Wal Student psychologist “For me there’s not a day without music. Working with young artists on resilience and mental toughness is an inspiring job and it fascinates
With MEGASTRUCTURE the choreographers create an intriguing composition and the choice not to use music is brave and captivating. What is surprising and curious is the theatricality of the piece. The confidence
orchestras throughout Europe, conducting a wide repertory starting from the baroque time through music of living composers. Arie van Beek is Commandeur de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres of the French
to get the best out of themselves. They challenge themselves, explore and exceed the boundaries of music. Expect a very varied, unique jazz program with the best young musicians of the moment. The Erasmus
> Home > Education > Masters > Master of Music > Admission Admission requirements jazz bass guitar Admission requirements Jazz bass guitar Master In order to be eligible for the MA program jazz bass guitar
extra attention to the diversity of teams of teachers and student population, for the Bachelor of Music additionally to pay attention to the scheduling, to care for the teachers (interview cycle) and to
> Home > Education > Bachelors > Music in Education > Toelatingseisen Toelating basgitaar/contrabas Toelating Basgitaar/contrabas Docent Muziek Je bent in staat om op een eenvoudig akkoordenschema zelf