attention, next to musical hearing and proper technique, to individuality, creativity and personality. Therefor we prefer that your audition takes place with your own band. You will play 2 to 3 pieces with [...] with, if possible, at least one own composition. We expect you to know or master the following: All major, major7, dominant 7, minor and minor 7 chords The ionian, dorian, mixolydian and aeolian scale Proper
illustrated the transition from artist to music therapist with her work 'In Time'. Her performance highlighted the therapeutic value of music and improvisation to express emotions and create connection [...] Hand2Globe, then returned to entertain the audience with an energetic circus act that focused on their friendship and the challenges that come with it. They brought humour and dynamism to their show, which was [...] Löffler provided a striking preview of their later performance. Gavin-Viano encouraged the audience to connect and step outside their comfort zone, setting the tone for the evening. The first performance
Student Life is committed to providing its talented students with every opportunity to acquire the right knowledge, skills and tools to shape their personal development and to maximise their potential. [...] applies an integrated approach to teaching, support and research. Codarts Performance Lab The Codarts Performance Lab is an innovative simulation lab that uses images and sound to simulate a performance on [...] psychology and nutrition. In the practical classes students are taught how to optimize their health. They work in small groups to improve their knee stability or reduce their stage fright, for instance.
You get many major lessons, next to the theory, analysis and music history lessons (as in year 1). Introductory course in teaching. You learn how to transfer knowledge to a variety of target groups. Year [...] time: a must for every musician. You take an introductory course in teaching . You learn how to transfer knowledge to a variety of target groups. Year 4 This is your graduation year, when you demonstrate your [...] attitude. Our graduates are active in the broad music practice from symphony orchestra to musical accompaniment and from opera to wind orchestra. Many of them combine their work as musicians with that of music
artists) and athletes. The goal of PEARL is to prevent health complaints and to optimize health and performances of athletes and artists, so that they are able to maximize their performance. PEARL consists [...] Codarts Rotterdam. Fit to Perform | The aim of this research project is to develop an online web-based system (Performing Arts Health Monitor: PAHM). PAHM enables dance companies to collect and analyse data [...] science. The aim of this project is to collect sensor data of multiple sport teams and dance companies. We will use state-of-the art computer science techniques to analyse the big data sets and identify
subjects related to music theory such as reading rhythms, reading and playing chord schemes, repeating melodies by ear, either singing, playing or writing down, playing a chordal accompaniment to a melody by [...] by ear. There are several books, websites and programs to help you train your music theory and your musical ear. To mention a few: www.earmaster [...] Here you'll find tips that help you prepare the music-theoretical part of your audition. Click here to practice a listening/hearing test. Musical hearing is something you can train and develop, just like
ability to improvise on harmony such as repertoire from the American Songbook as well as more complex harmonic structures play different styles that are associated with bass guitar the ability to lead a [...] at all these elements based on your performance with a group. Should we want to look at some specific skills, we can ask you to do some more small tests. These could include ear training, reading, tempo [...] Admission Admission requirements jazz bass guitar Admission requirements Jazz bass guitar Master In order to be eligible for the MA program jazz bass guitar you should have good command over your instrument.
Contact More The programme is intended to open up future pathways in the academic, educational and creative domains. COMMA aims to facilitate maker/choreographers to become creative movement experts that [...] developing a repertoire of individual creative strategies and the ability to reflect on and generate ‘choreography’ related to these strategies Programme details Study in numbers [...] are guided by facilitators, lecturers, mentors and guest choreographers in developing their approach to the following: the potential trajectories and outcomes of artistic research taking a critical perspective
the evening, you will have the opportunity to hear about our curriculum, projects, and events. A live chat is available throughout the evening to get answers to all your specific questions. Time: 19:00 start
and acrobatics. This collaboration aims to introduce young talents to the world of performing arts in an inspiring way. Through this introduction, we want to prepare and excite them for possible next [...] Secondary school Codarts Lyceum and primary school Nieuwe Park Rozenburgschool (NPRS) are joining forces to offer grade 7 and 8 pupils a unique opportunity: music and dance lessons taught by expert teachers [...] cooperation between Codarts Lyceum and the NPRS is a first for Rotterdam. It enables primary school pupils to take music and dance lessons from higher education teachers and makes use of the DAMU scheme for primary