Explanation Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (NGWI)

Following the lead of the Dutch Research Universities, the Dutch Universities of Applied Science have also adopted (in 2018) the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (NGWI). This Code of Conduct formulates five widely supported principles that form the basis of practicing integrity in research: honesty, scrupulousness, transparency, independence and responsibility. These principles are further specified in more concrete standards for good research practices, which must be complied with by researchers and other parties involved in the research. By implementing this code, the Universities of Applied Science have committed themselves to a number of duties of care. Codarts has structured these duties of care as follows.

Confidential counsellor for Research Integrity
Anyone with doubts or questions regarding Research Integrity may contact our confidential counsellor for Research Integrity: prof. dr. Filip Vermeylen. He listens and independently advises on possible next steps to take. You can contact him at vermeylen@eshcc.eur.nl

Committee for Research Integrity for Art Education (CWI-KUO)
Forming a Committee for Research Integrity is the last step in a long process. The aim is to prevent complaints, to safeguard an open, safe research culture and to create an automatic awareness of academic integrity, through training and supervision, for example. The executive boards of the Universities of the Arts stated below have decided to address this duty of care collectively and set up a collective Research Integrity Committee for art education cwi.kuo-onderzoek.nl.

We think that this collaboration will lead to a shared research culture and responsibility, and will ensure continuity.

The committee formally began January 1, 2023 and has the following composition:


Jeroen Boomgaard                 Gerrit Rietveld Academie
Paul Craenen                           Hogeschool der Kunsten Den Haag
Job ter Haar                            Codarts Rotterdam
Michiel Schuier                        Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
Henk Slager                             Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht
Peter Sonderen (chair)            ArtEZ University of the Arts

(vacancy for member Design Academy Eindhoven)


Suzan Klaver (HKU) has been appointed official secretary. She can be reached through the committee's email address: cwi-kuo@hku.nl. External stakeholders can also contact the committee through this address.

Research Ethics
When our research, according to laws and regulations, must be reviewed by medical research ethics committees, our researchers follow the relevant procedures. For other ethical questions considering research and/or dilemmas, we use the Codarts Research checklist. An internal desk has been established, and we consult other ethics experts when necessary.