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- >Master Choreography
- Admission
The next start date for our 2-year (biennial) Master's Degree programme is August 2025. The selection process for our new cohort will take place in Spring of 2025.
If you are interested in applying you can contact us from October 2024 by using the form under the Admission Page. Details concerning the admission criteria and submission specifications can be found under Requirements.
The application procedure for the preselection will officially open on 1 October 2024 and close in mid-February 2025. Applicants who appear to meet our entrance requirements will be asked to submit a full application to provide more detailed information. Hereafter eligible applicants will be informed if they are invited to participate in our Wicked Weekend.
Wicked Weekend
The Wicked Weekend takes place online, it consists of a one-day workshop built around the investigation of a wicked problem and is designed to provide a taster of the approach and philosophy behind the course in a co-creative setting. On the second day, interviews are held with individual students. This weekend will give us the opportunity to start discussions with prospective students who would be a good match for the programme.
If you have questions first visit the Q&A page.
For specific questions, you can send an email to faa-mc@fontys.nl.
Requirements Master Choreography
Candidates that will be considered for this masters should meet the following criteria:
- an academic background that is equivalent to an arts college or university degree, at least 5 years professional experience and evidence of creative output
- or a dance/circus education from an internationally recognized academy, at least 5 years professional experience and evidence of creative output at a professional level
- n.b. in some cases dance education and choreographic experience may be judged using different criteria in order to allow for a broad spectrum of students. Equivalency will be determined by the institutions of Codarts and Fontys once the applicant has been short listed. If you are not sure about you whether you might be eligible for the course advice can be requested from the course team.
- International students must be able to pass an English language proficiency test.
- the student has an ongoing relationship with an institution or person in the working field that can provide them with studio resources (outside of the intensives), feedback and if possible the opportunity to present their final production in a discipline appropriate public forum.
- n.b. this is something that the course team can help you to find if you do not already have an idea who or where this could be
What you need to include with your submission:- a curriculum vitae with information about education and professional experience
- documentation of your creative experience (a portfolio) with a least 2 video recordings in a readable format
- critical responses to your work if available (reviews)
- a motivation letter which includes:
- personal background and motivation
- professional background and motivation
- a prototype research question with
a description of the background of the question
possible research trajectories
the potential for your research question in terms of productive or generative outcomes for your working field
a discussion of what co-creation means for you in your current practice
a description of what you expect from the course and what you could bring to it