Codarts Rotterdam

Open day Circus Arts

Dolf Henkesplein 15
Circus ArtsOpen days

Open day Circus Arts

Would you like to learn more about the bachelor programme Circus Arts? Attend our open day at Saturday 25 November 2023.

Whether you want to become a professional circus artist, learn more about the Preparatory program, meet our students, teachers and staff or if you are just curious what a circus school looks from the inside… The open day of Codarts Circus Arts is the place to be!


Our doors open at 10:45 and the activities start at 11:00 and end at 16:00h. There is a possibility to participate in open demo-classes, Information sessions concerning the audition application and procedure, or you can see the presentations of work in progress of fourth year students.

Registration is preferred but not required.

Extra this year
For all visitors to our open day:
This year we are offering two free workshops:

1. Partner acrobatics with Wybren Wouda and alumni
2. Object manipulation with Gregor Kiock and alumni

Click HERE  for more information or registrate via the open days registration form via the green button above.