Codarts Rotterdam

Circus C1 Group show: SEE ONE

Fenixloods I, Dolf Henkesplein 15
Circus Arts

Circus C1 Group show: SEE ONE

We invite you to join us for the group show of the first-year students of the bachelor Circus Arts on
19 & 20 January 2024.

Each year, the students of Codarts Circus Arts work together on a group creation guided by a director. For the 1st year bachelor students, it is their first opportunity to create a performance as a group. Directed by Júlia Campistany, they embark on a spirited journey to make a fresh show with circus, dance and live music.

A wish against loneliness
In times of screens, long distance bonds and political unrest, loneliness becomes almost inevitable.
On stage, 17 young artists come together for the first time.
SEE ONE highlights their shared desire for togetherness through the vocabulary of circus and music.
For them, circus represents community, connection and joy.
SEE ONE is an invitation, a celebration and a desire for genuine human connection.

Entrance is free, but a ticket reservation is required. Please book your free ticket for one of the following performances by clicking on the button underneath.